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Use Your Imagination; Become a Journalist!

The National Museum has just issued a statement that due to a limited budget, they have decided to closed their beloved Adinkra cloth exhibit. Many people have argued that with new interests in African art, too much money is being spent on adinkra cloth tutorial classes and promoting the exhibit.

You are a journalist for the Adinkra Times Newspaper, and have been asked to write piece on the impact the exhibit has had on your work and personal life. You want the museum to keep the exhibit so you have decided to choose two of your favorite adinkra symbols to write about.

Use the resources here to:

  • Learn about adinkra cloth and how it is made:

  • Find two adinkra symbols that interest you and learn as much as you can about them:

In the comment section:

  • Give a brief recall of what you learned about adinkra cloth. Include 2 things that stuck out to you.

  • Identify two adinkra symbols that interested you. Share their name and meaning, and explain why you like the symbols.

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